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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

2 Fast Solutions For Weight Loss

Here are 2 fast solutions for weight loss that you can give a try starting today. They're easy and quick. Now is the time of year to fix this "weight problem" that you have. There is no benefit to waiting a few more days, a few more weeks, or a few more months. Read this now and get RESULTS NOW.

Fast Solutions for Weight Loss

1. HIIT Stairs

This is high intensity interval training on stairs. You know, like the stairs in your home or in the condo or apartment building that you live in. This will only take 5 minutes of your time, 4 days a week. So 20 minutes. What you do is simple, run up 1 or 2 flights of stairs and walk back down.

The high intensity is the running up the stairs, the low intensity is walking back down them. Do this NON-STOP for 5 minutes each time. That's it. This is almost perfect if you have stairs in your home.

2. Low calorie yogurts and apples... eat them

I know of no other way to quickly change people's diets than to make their snacks more healthy and filled with either protein or fiber. Most people snack on things with sugar in them. Correct this and results will come fast and furious. If you notice, I didn't mention anything about your meals. Yes, you should eat healthier for faster results, but you're still allowed to eat your favorite foods (within reason).

Try for 2 low calorie yogurts that have 80 or less calories in them and also eat 2 apples a day. That's a winning combination either together or separately.

Try out these 2 fast solutions for weight loss and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you look in the mirror 2 weeks from now.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercises Women

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