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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Acupuncture For Weight Loss and The Effects Of Magnetic Acupuncture Weight Loss

For over 5,000 years acupuncture has been practiced using many different methods to stimulate acupuncture points. The methods range from fish bones, bamboo slivers, needles, electrodes, laser, to magnets. Studies show that they are all equally effective and that it does not matter what method of treatment you receive, the results are equally the same.

One of the best and most convenient forms of acupuncture is magnetic acupuncture. Magnetic acupuncture can be done at anytime of the day and is painless. It takes no more than five minutes to apply the magnets and can be left on for several day straight for maximum effectiveness. Another great benefit of magnetic acupuncture is that it can be done at home and at a fairly cheep cost compared to an acupuncture visit. An average needle based acupuncture visit cost upwards of $120.00. With a treatment schedule of 12 sessions it can get quite pricey. While, 12 sessions of magnetic acupuncture only cost around $40.00. That is less than $4.00 a treatment.

The benefits of magnetic acupuncture definitely out weigh every other form of acupuncture. The neatest thing that I found is a website, Acuaids (below is a link) . This is the only company to offer magnetic acupuncture to the public. Go check it out, and make sure to click on their proven study link. The studies show how effective and safe acupuncture is. This is definitely one of the best products on the market today.

Acupuncture can be used on anything from weight loss to insomnia. It has all of the benefits with out the side effects. There are several good website for acupuncture for weight loss studies. The website/blog below has several acupuncture weight loss studies on it. Acupuncture is very effective and safe. It also works on everyone!

Love to hear you comments or questions.

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